subota, 28. ožujka 2015.

6 Fruit and Vegetables

These powerful contain AGCG, beta - glucans, and jumpstart natural B and T cells to reduce the risk of breast, colon, hormone related and prostate cancers!

Nice Pineapple...

srijeda, 18. ožujka 2015.

Bananas, yes or not?

Bananas will solve your problems with digestion and will relieve stress

Bananas are good for PMS, and if you are pregnant one banana between your meals will prevent the need for sugar and will help you avoid morning nausea.
Bananas feed your nerves, as they protect us from depression and steers, and also gives us energy. That’s because it contains vitamin B which relaxes our entire body. Bananas contain triptophan, which is a type of protein which boosts our mood. That’s why it is no surprise we feel much better after consuming a banana. It contains

Bananas are rich with iron, and represent a great help If you are anemic because it help our body produce hemoglobin for our blood.

Bananas, namely have the capability for lowering our blood pressure and it also lowers the chances for a stroke.

Because it’s soft, it’s a great food for people who have digestion problems. It is the only fruit which can be consumed raw with no consequences to chronicle illnesses and helps in neutralizing the stool.
Bananas, also neutralize the strong acids and helps with the sensitivity and that’s why it’s recommended for use to those who suffer from hiccups.